Hi I'm Jan

Full Stack Engineer

Elevating Businesses through Digital Innovation

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Web Development
7+ Years

About Me

Hi! I'm Jan, a Full Stack Engineer with over 7+ years of experience based in Tokyo, Japan. With the knowledge and valuable skills that I have gained throughout my career.

My main focus is to help and elevate your business. I enjoy developing solutions that can simplify your work and contribute to your success.

Consider me as your committed partner in growing your business's.


Cebu City, Philippines
2016 - 2019
Web Developer

During this time, I worked as a web developer at the top real estate company in the country. I learned that creating an exceptional website makes it simple for people to buy and sell things, turning aspirations into actual transactions. This experience taught me that web development is not just about writing code; it's also about helping businesses succeed.

Tokyo, Japan
2020 - Present
Full Stack Engineer

Working at a Japanese company was a doorway into both Japanese culture and the forefront of technology. I've learned about cutting-edge technologies that have enriched my web development skills. Their unwavering commitment to quality and precision has not only influenced but also refined the way I work.


I Offer To My Clients

Business Website

Create customized website that is suitable for your company's needs, with expanded functionality to increase your business online visibility and attract more customers.

Personal Website

Create customized website that highlights your personal brand or portfolio, allowing you to stand out in the digital world.

Lead Generation

Create lead generation forms and landing pages meticulously designed to capture leads, driving growth for your business and personal brand.

Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure that your website is entirely responsive, providing a consistent experience across all devices for clients and followers.

SEO and Digital Marketing

Implement effective SEO techniques and incorporate digital marketing strategies to increase website traffic.

Multilingual Websites

Create multilingual website to expand your business's global reach.

Online Booking and Scheduling

Simplify appointment booking and scheduling processes, improving customer convenience and engagement.

Logo and Branding

Establish a strong brand identity with professional logo design and branding services.

Website Re-design Makeover

Redesign website to have a modern look and feel that appeals to your target audience and keeps to current design trends.


Let's Connect and Create Together

I would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me if you have a project in mind, a question, or simply want to talk about web development in general. Let's bring your ideas into REALITY !!!

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Tokyo, Japan